Step 6: Establish Policies and Practices

Once you have put together your Accessibility Advisory Committee, it is time to meet and establish policies and practices that will set the stage for committee interactions and the development of the plan.

Things to Consider

  • It may be useful to appoint a committee chair to lead the team
  • Consider the background of the committee and provide training or education on accessibility & inclusion if necessary
  • Provide an orientation to the BC Accessibility Act
  • Explore what organizational policies or projects are already developed or underway
  • Ensure that current policies are not outdated
  • Consider cooperatively creating a mission statement or commitment plan so that everyone is on the same page


Don’t forget to make sure that the environment and materials are accessible to all members on the accessibility committee.


Brainstorm on your own or in a group about what your first steps will be. What needs to be done first? What policies need to be created or revised? What is your mission statement?

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