Leverage all the resources available to fulfill your obligations under the Accessible BC Act and tie in the mandate/vision of your organization.
Please note that the 750+ Public Sector Organizations working towards compliance with the Accessible BC Act are also referred to as Prescribed Organizations. These terms are often used interchangeably throughout the Accessibility Hub website.
Know the Law
Scan the Resources
The Accessible Organizations Project is a project funded by the Government of British Columbia and led by Disability Alliance BC. The purpose of the project is to support over 750 Prescribed Organizations meet the requirements of the Accessible BC Act.
Disability Alliance BC is working directly with partners, Prescribed Organizations in all sectors and people with disabilities to create resources
- Glossary of terms that can be used to have a “shared vocabulary” for accessibility
- Best Practices and Research
- Guide for Establishing a Committee
- Guide for Developing a Plan
- Accessibility plan templates and examples for developing Terms of Reference, setting agendas, approved Accessibility Plans, and creating public feedback mechanisms
- Orientation Guide for Committee Members
- Network of accessibility consultants to assist organizations to establish committees and their accessibility plans.
- Funding from either DABC or other sources to guide Prescribed Organizations through the process
- Accessibility Policy and Guidelines