Resources for Local Governments 

Funded Supports Available to Local Governments!

After consultation with many local governments, we received feedback that further “funded support” may be needed to assist with on-boarding and orientation to accessibility committee members to increase awareness of issues, manage expectations and provide advice on how to interact more effectively with people with disabilities.  Providing a good foundation to committee members and staff at the beginning of the process will ensure that intent of the Act is successful and enduring. 

If your local government is interested in getting an expert to present and provide training to your accessibility committee, review your accessibility plan, or if you would like an orientation guide that you can distribute, please email us!  


In addition to Disability Alliance BC, we we encourage you to participate with other Prescribed Organizations in your region. Find other organizations on the map or on the list. Also, find out about other committees by finding them on this list. We encourage you to register your committee to let others know what you are doing. Find potential funding on the Funding Page.

Establishing Committees

To establish a committee, the following resources may be able to assist you. View the Flip Book Guide to help you Establish a Committee (pdf version for download) created for this project.

Recruitment Document Examples

image of City of Vancouver LinkedIn recruitment ad for Accessibility Committee

Example from the City of Vancouver, recruiting Advisory Committee members through LinkedIn

Terms of Reference (TOR) Examples In BC

Other Municipalities TOR Examples

Member Application Forms

Orientation Guide

Generic Orientation Guide your committee can use (will download as a PowerPoint document) – customize it as needed!!

Developing Plans

Download the Toolkit & Guide for Developing an Accessibility Plan

Municipal Examples

Regional Districts

Creating Public Feedback Mechanisms

Best Practices and Research

Accessible Community Bylaws

Example of an Accessible Wayfinding Strategy (Port Moody)

City of Guelph Guide for increasing diversity on accessibility committees.

Civic Engagement at the City of Victoria (BC)
Identifies principles and best practices for reaching out to inform and involve citizens in public decision-making.

Local Government Community Effort Booklet (UBCM)
An excellent overview of local government in BC.

The Accessibility Toolkit (Vancouver)
A reference tool for City employees to ensure that decisions are being made with accessibility at the forefront, and evaluate current policies and approaches to accessibility.

Universal Design Guidelines for Outdoor Spaces (Maple Ridge)

Virtual Participation of People with Disabilities in Community Planning (Bricout & Moon, 2021)